How does Hakyll work?

Posted on July 11, 2019 by rctcwyvrn

How does Hakyll work? A quick rundown from someone completely new to both web design and haskell.

After you create and build the project you have the following:
- site.hs
- a folder of templates
- a folder of css
- a folder of markdown posts

Here’s how hakyll generates each page of the website (I think, I’m still figuring it out)

The index:

  1. Apply the proper templates to make index.html have the list of posts
  2. Take that index.html and make it \(content\) (lmao I just noticed that it becomes inline LaTeX, \(x+y=1\))
  3. Take the default.html and replace the instances of \(content\) on the template with index.html
  4. Export that as index.html

The posts and stuff:

  1. Take the post’s markdown data
  2. Pull out the metadata, called the ‘context’
  3. Apply whatever templates you want to it, using the metadata if you want

Here’s how I made the favorite section on the index:

  1. Add a favorite tag to the metadata of the post I want to favorite
  2. Make a new template called favorite-list
  3. Use the hakyll DSL syntax to make the template do the same thing as post-list but only if the favorite tag is present
  4. Add to index.html a partial that uses favorite-list

Using pandocCompilerWith to make stuff like laTeX

\[ \ln x = \int_{-\infty}^x \frac 1 y \, dy . \]

I followed this: The idea is that you just need to set the proper extensions and options for pandoc’s writing.

Note You need to make sure the math.jax script is https or else github pages (smartly) refuses to load it

How to add a block of text to every post of a certain type:

  1. Generate the html file for the stuff you want to add, for me this was abit.html, which is an about paragraph
  2. Add a tag to the metadata for your post’s markdown
  3. Edit the post.html template to check for the tag
  4. Make the template load that html file as a partial if the tag is present
main :: IO ()
main = hakyll $ do
	    match "images/*" $ do
	        route   idRoute